5 Simple Hacks for a Sustainable Bathroom
If I’ve learned one thing over the course of my sustainability journey, it’s that small swaps are the way to go. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the simplest, sustainable bathroom swaps and habits for you to start living your eco-friendly dream life. Let’s get into it!
Bar > Bottle. Revolutionize your shower experience; ditch the plastic!
Millions of plastic bottles are produced in waste from bathrooms every year, and very few of these are recycled. In 2022, it was estimated that roughly 550 million empty shampoo bottles are thrown away annually, and this doesn’t account for bottles for conditioner, body wash, face wash, etc.
If that’s not enough of an incentive for you, consider that liquid soaps are mostly water. For example, most shampoos are up to 80% water, but the bars that we carry are a solid concentrate. You just add the water yourself. This way, you help to cut back on emission fees for shipping water, and you save money because the bars last longer!
Our shampoo and conditioner bars from our absolute favorite hair care brand, DIP, are a must-have to elevate self-care and sustainable living. While you’re at it, check out the face and body soaps from Butter + Lye and body soaps from Indigo River Co.
Switch to Bamboo. The renewable eco-resource that keeps on giving.
Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on the planet. It’s characterized by this and its abundant makeup, which is recyclable, low-carbon, and green.
Products made from bamboo are the ideal alternative to their plastic counterparts, especially when you consider that every plastic toothbrush you’ve ever used still exists somewhere on mother earth right now.
Reduce your environmental footprint by switching to our 100% biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes and hair brushes. Take it a step further and invest in one of our moso bamboo soap shelves to store and keep your face, body, or hair bars dry between washes!
Shorten Your Shower. Mindful self-care is in.
As much as it pains me to say it, not every day can be a spa day. Practicing self-care and sustainability can go hand-in-hand, I promise. Within the US, we use over 1 trillion gallons of water every year, just showering.
While it may feel like your contribution is a drop in a bucket, every effort helps. As with any sustainable practice, we recommend you start out small. Aim to cut back on your shower time by setting timers, turn off water while soaping up, and install a low-flow showerhead. Extra points for collecting the runoff while you’re waiting for the shower to warm up to use for watering plants!
Switch to Recycled Toilet Paper. Recycled not reused, don’t worry.
Our country goes through a whopping 15 billion rolls of toilet paper a year, most of these rolls being made from cutting down trees. The process that goes into making toilet paper from trees involves millions of gallons of water, millions of Megawatt-hours of energy, and billions of pounds of wood nationwide, annually.
Help reduce deforestation and unnecessary waste by swapping out your Charmin for Who Gives a Crap recycled toilet paper. To date, they have helped save the equivalent of over 1.5 million trees, and their rolls are made from either 100% recycled paper or bamboo. While you’re switching, you may as well check out their paper towels and tissues, too!
Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products. Toss your toxic cleaners.
We believe cleaning should never put you in harm’s way. Too many name-brand cleaners contain harmful chemicals that cause irreversible damage to your health and come packaged in, you guessed it, plastic.
Start leaning into sustainable cleaning and give curated plant-based concentrates a try the next time you visit FD Market. Ease your mind and leave your bathroom squeaky clean with a refill of all-purpose, bathroom, and floor cleaners.
Another simple swap are our powerful, plant-based toilet bowl tablets. Made with simple ingredients like essential oils and white vinegar, these tiny natural tabs pack a mighty punch. Just drop one in the toilet bowl, watch it fizz, and scrub away with your toilet bowl brush!
Now, if that feels like a lot of information, don’t stress; this post will be here for you to return to whenever you’re ready to take another step. Whether you ditch the plastic and switch to bar soaps today or kiss your plastic toothbrush good-bye 6 months from now, it all makes a difference. We’re all just doing our best! <3
How Many Plastic Shampoo Bottles are Wasted Each Year? | Green Whale
What Is Shampoo Made Of? The Truth About Shampoo | HiBar
Save Water and Energy by Showering Better | EPA
Toilet Paper Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind | BidetMate